Peter Yapp
Deputy Director, Incident Management, National Cyber Security Centre
Yapp is a CISSP with nearly 25 years of experience in the cyber and forensics arena. He joined the National Cyber Security Centre in 2016, and was previously deputy director operations for CERT-UK. Before this, he was the managing director for Accenture's global Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) running a team of 50 across five locations around the world, setting up a cyber-threat intelligence team and developing technical, policy and training initiatives. Prior to Accenture, Yapp was head of forensics and information security consulting at Control Risks in London where he devised and delivered information security awareness training courses for global clients, specialised briefings on the threat of state-sponsored espionage and a computer forensics training course for CISSPs. Additionally, he carried out IS Security reviews, gap analyses and numerous computer investigations into fraud, abuse and misuse. Yapp has spoken at national and international conferences and seminars on computer crime and was a member of the UK's Home Office delegation to the G8 sub group on high tech crime.