Mark Gazit
CEO, ThetaRay
Before joining ThetaRay as CEO, Gazit served as a Managing Director of Nice Cyber & Intelligence Solutions, an autonomous division of Nice Systems Ltd. that provides software and hardware solutions to government agencies worldwide in the areas of Information Intelligence, Cyber and Safe Cities. From 2002 to 2010, he served as CEO & co-founder of SkyVision, a global telecommunications company that he took from the start-up stage to a $100M company serving over 50 countries worldwide and operation centers on three continents. Prior to SkyVision, Gazit helped NASDAQ listed Deltathree to become one of the largest global providers of VoIP and web-based communication services to individuals and businesses. As an Executive at NetVision, Gazit helped to build the largest Internet Service Provider in the country. He serves on boards of directors in commercial enterprises and non-profit organization, and lectures in leading universities and considered to be an expert in his field.